Possibility of murder can't be ruled out & case must be handed over to CBI to arrive at the truth of Sushant's death under mysterious circumstances.
On the basis of information now emerging in bits & pieces from various sources especially from Sushant's friends, now it appears, possibility of the murder can't be ruled out in Sushant's case. Looks like, his case is in someway linked to murder of his ex manager Disha Salian, just a few days preceding suicide/murder of Sushant. Possibly he knew some secret about murder of his ex manager. In order to eliminate any possibility of Sushant spilling the beans about the above-said murder, certain people conspired to murder Sushant with help of Sushant's close friends, flat mates and his personal staff at his flat.
In order to arrive at the truth, two persons should be arrested immediately and grilled thoroughly. They are namely, Rhea Chakraborty, Sushant's long time girl friend, who had abandoned him only a few days before Sushant was found dead & his flat mate Sidharth Pithani, who was the prime witness to suicide/murder of Sushant under mysterious circumstances at his flat.
Also, now it is certain that despite Maharashtra police being very capable, there can't be justice to Sushant due to powerful nexus between Maharashtra politicians & bollywood actors and as Bihar police can't investigate properly without co-operation of Maharashtra police, the case should be handed over to #CBI and for that, intervention of supreme court is a must now.