One may criticize Baba Ramdev for going overboard and claiming that with his medicines, corona can be cured 100% within 3-7 days. In the present times, when best of doctors and scientists, despite their best of efforts during six months, have not been able to find any medicine/vaccine to cure corona 100%, prudence demanded that baba ramdev should have exercised caution & patience before making claim of 100% cure within a week. To that extent, baba ramdev may be criticized. However dismissing his products as trash and making fun of him is also not justified in the absence of any data about efficacy of his product in fighting corona. We must not forget that baba ramdev's patanjali has launched large number of products in the market during last 7-8 years and most of his products are hugely popular among masses. Quite a number of his products have become regular part of our households. Most of the established FMCG companies, Like HLL, Dabur etc are having very tough time in competing with patanjali products. This kind of popularity of his products won't have sustained for 7-8 years continuously, if his products were found to be trash after use by millions of people on daily basis.
Infact, barring few rational critics who are simply questioning his "100% cure claim", most of other critics are using this occasion to settle their ideological differences with Baba ramdev. Everyone knows, baba ramdev talks of swadeshi, atma nirbhar bharat, hindutva philosophy, & on top of it , he is supposedly an admirer of Modi and all those who profess different ideology are using this occasion to come heavy on baba ramdev.
My request, let baba exercise some restraint on his claim ;however people also should wait before dismissing Ramdev's claim outrightly. One thing I am sure, even if Ramdev's medicine is not able to treat "critical" 5%-10% corona patients, it will be at least be efficacious in case of 90% patients with mild symptoms. And even if his medicine is able to tackle 90% of mild cases, most of the Indians will thank baba ramdev instead of keep railing against him for his 100% claim.
100% right opinion.