Saturday, May 30, 2020

#UnLockDown1.0 Let health needs be balanced with economic needs now.

Along with health needs, economic needs are also important.

#Lockdown1.0 to 4.0,  for 67 days was used to create awareness about dangers of corona and ways and manners to avoid the same through social distancing, wearing mask, using sanitizers/washing hands frequently etc. and at the same time to develop medical infrastructure during the interim period to cope up with Corona Cases. 

 India at beginning of LockDown1.0,was having almost dismal facilities to test and treat corona and ever  since  has come a long way. Lockdown period has been utilised by central and state governments to develop much needed medical infrastructures to test and treat corona.Almost all states used lockdown period of over two months to develop large number of testing centres, dedicated corona centres. India has also used the opportunity to produce medical equipments like testing equipments, ventilators, PPE Kits, masks, sanitizers etc. for coping up with corona.  Today, India is almost self sufficient in these areas and in fact has reached the stage of exporting some of these equipments, required for fighting corona.

Also, two months of lockdown has created awareness that there is no vaccine or medicine for corona and only way they can avoid corona is by way of social distancing. This message has gone all across including the villages and as a result of this awareness even villagers are following social distancing well and in fact  are better  vigilant and proactive than their urban counterparts about the surrounding/people, who might infect them with corona.

After creating awareness and developing  medical infrastructure at reasonable level, this is high time, we started thinking about earning our livelihood too. Given the fact that corona is going  to stay for several months, may be even for longer than a year, it's high time, we started caring about earning our livelihoods and hence unlocking of the lockdown in phases starting with #UnLockDown1.0 is a welcome step. Now that we have learnt how to help avoid corona, we now need to follow these measures and at the same time also start working  for earning our livelihoods in a cautious and calibrated manner.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Is Kejriwal Fighting Corona In Delhi only through advertisements & his PCs shown live on TV?

Corona cases in Delhi at 14100; Looks like Kejriwal is fighting corona in Delhi only through his advertisements,  press conferences, telecast live nationally.

Kejriwal promised 30 thousand beds for people of Delhi but now informs Delhi high court that Delhi Govt hospitals have only 3150 beds.Even these hospitals are of little use, since most of the recoveries are happening in Central Govt hospitals like AIIMS, Safdarjung, RML etc. His much famed "Mohalla Clinics" are being found to be of no use in current scenario. #CoronaWarriors fighting corona are majorly from Delhi police under central Govt, sanitizing staff from MCD and doctors majorly from Central Govt and MCD hospitals. His claim about feeding 4 lakh poor people two times a day, has been found to be hollow claim. Conditions were created such that lakhs of Poor workers from U.P., Bihar working in Delhi were forced to leave because their stay in Delhi potentially threatened to increase corona cases in Delhi but despite all the above omissions/tricks, corona cases in Delhi today stand at 14100. Kejriwal has been hiding death figures too due to corona in the official data of Delhi Govt. About a week ago, corona figures officially stood at 160; however TV 9 Bharatvarsh & Amar Ujala showed actual figures, verified from crematoriums of Delhi, at 579.

Looks like Kejriwal is fighting corona only through his Press Conferences, telecast live nationally, thanks to crores of Delhi Govt ads to Print/Electronic media.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Why Rahul Gandhi shedding "crocodile" tears for migrant workers now?

Why Rahul Gandhi shedding "crocodile" tears about suffering of migrant workers now?

Doesn't Rahul Gandhi know, all the pains of migrant workers today are the gifts of his family controlled misrule of 60 years?

During the misrule of 60 years, they only played politics in the name of poor instead of ameliorating their conditions. Slogan of "Garibi hatao" was given simply for votes instead of alleviating poverty of poor. They were hardly concerned about growth with equity and  balanced development of different regions of the country and as a result rich became richer, poor became poorer, developed states became more developed and backward states became more backward and problem of migrant workers arose and became more acute over the years due to this "lopsided" development approach of Congress during 60 years. Even Rahul Gandhi had recently  full  control over UPA Govt for 10 long years but during which also poor remained poor and all the congress leaders became filthy rich at the cost of these poor masses and Rahul Gandhi during all these years never cared  for poor migrant workers, whose tears he is trying to wipe out now, while being in opposition.

Even today also, if Rahul Gandhi had some sincerity towards migrant workers even Congress ruled states like Maharashtra, Rajasthan,  Punjab etc. would have taken care of migrant workers well so that they wouldn't have been forced to head for their villages in U.P., Bihar etc. Even congress ruled Chattisgarh hasn't been able to do anything for their workers working outside. When her sister Priyanka Vadra had to play politics in the name of migrant workers of U.P., thousand of buses of Rajasthan Govt were lined up but these buses were not to be found, when millions of workers, in the absence of rail/bus started walking on roads and railway tracks in different parts of the country including in  congress ruled states. Same Rajasthan Govt  buses were not to be found, when thousands of outside students at Kota in Rajasthan were crying and protesting to help them move to their native states. That time, U.P. C.M Yogi Ji followed by other states had to send buses to Kota to bring back students of their states.

Fact of the matter is Rahul Gandhi & his family members have no concern for poor/migrant workers. They are simply indulging in dramatics/cheap politics in the  name of migrant workers instead of having any concern for these poor migrant workers. Let Rahul Gandhi at least take care of migrant workers in Congress ruled states and half of the problems of migrant workers in India shall be solved.

Monday, May 18, 2020

प्रवासी मजदूरों के मुद्दे पर कृपया राजनीति ना करें।

पूरे भारत में प्रवासी मजदूरों की संख्या 15-20 करोड़ है। इतने सारे लोगों को गांव से बड़े शहरों और औद्योगिक इलाकों में पहुंचने में कितने वर्ष लगे होंगे? और उस हिसाब से दुबारा से अपने घर लौटने में कितना समय लगना चाहिए और उसी हिसाब से वो सरकार को/रेलवे विभाग को उनके घर वापसी कराने में कितना समय देना चाहेंगे? और अगर आर्थिक मजबूरी के चलते  उन्हें घर छोड़ना पड़ा तो क्या वो आज इतने समृद्ध हो गए हैं कि गांव जाकर  सुख समृद्धि के साथ  बाकी समय  व्यतीत कर सकें? क्या गांव जाकर वो बाकी ग्रामीणों के लिए कोरोना संक्रमण की समस्या नहीं बढ़ाएंगे? क्या बिहार, ओडिसा, और पूर्वी उत्तर प्रदेश में चिकित्सा की सुविधा इतनी विकसित है कि प्रवासी मजदूरों के कारण बढ़े कोरोना संक्रमण का सामना हो पायेगा?

ये बड़े सारे सवाल हैं जिनका जवाब अगर हम ईमानदारी से  ढूंढना चाहें तो शायद प्रवासी मजदूर के मुद्दे पर राजनीति करना बंद कर देंगे। कोरोना एक बहुत बड़ी आपदा है इसलिए प्रवासी मजदूरों को वापस भेजने की अपेक्षा उनको वर्तमान स्थानों पर रोक कर, फिर से उन्हें काम पर लगाने के बारे में सोचना चाहिए ना कि इस मुद्दे पर राजनीति करने की।

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Exodus of #MigrantWorkers to hurt all concerned very soon.

Exodus of #MigrantWorkers shall start hurting all those states very soon , whose indifference/provocation has led them to leave.

Those states, whose indifference to pitiable conditions of migrant workers has led to their exodus, most probably, won't have these workers coming back for few years at least for sure. Unfortunate but it is a sad reality, production, construction and many allied activities in most of these states are going to be severely affected in coming weeks, when #LockDown starts opening in phased manner. I must say, most of the concerned state goverments, deliberately have encouraged exodus of #MigrantWorkers through their criminal negligence to their sad plight. These states thought, poor #MigrantWorkers living in congested surroundings  would add to corona cases thus affecting their performance on fighting corona and hence these #MigrantWorkers be encouraged/provoked to leave. This trend was first encouraged by Arvind Kejriwal Govt immediately after  #LockDown 1.0 in Delhi and soon thereafter this was picked up by many other states. 

If in bad times, you can't support #MigrantWorkers, you should know, in good times they are not going to support you.

Friday, May 15, 2020

PM should make a "direct personal appeal" to #MigrantWorkers.

It's high time, PM made direct appeal to migrant workers through televised address, urging them to remain put at, whatever locations they are. At the same time, construction and manufacturing activities should be allowed to be resumed at the earliest  with social distancing restrictions. 

He should assure them that  manufacturing & construction activities shall resume soon and hence they shouldn't rush to their native places. Problem is if the above activities resume tomorrow, there will not be enough labours left for the work and thus jeopardising interests of labour as well as industry. There is another reason for discouraging them to go to their native places. If large number of migrant workers reach their villages, there is likelihood of spreading of corona in the remote villages too,  which thanks to God, so far remain largely much  safer. If corona spreads to villages too, it will be nightmare for the country. In that situation nobody can save this country.

So, it is high time, PM speaks to CMs of all the states fix accountability of state Governments for outflow of #MigrantWorkers, ask them to prevent outflow and allocate state governments  with special finance meant for this purpose.

Why PM should make appeal through televised address? Not only bcoz he is PM of the country but mainly bcoz most of the people including #MigrantWorkers listen to PM Modi with rapt attention and if PM Modi makes a passionate appeal to #MigrantWorkers, their movement shall majorly stop for sure. #LockDown is not fault of anybody. That was  the need of the hour, however at the same time, it is heart wrenching to watch migrant workers , walking on foot, hundreds of kilometers in most difficult conditions and then losing their lives in accidents on railway tracks and on roads. Whatever be the reason, it must stop now.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Let's stop becoming wiser after the event

Those currently showing so much of concern for migrant workers must answer, was #LockDown needed, when #LockDown 1.0 was announced on 24th march & could they anticipate lockdown continuing for so long? If some of them feel so wise now, they should answer, if they were placed in decision making process for #LockDown 1.0, what would they have done to mitigate anticipated hardship of migrant workers? In India, there are several crores of migrant workers working in different parts of the country, would these wiser people have waited for several months before resorting to #Lockdown on 24th march bcoz moving these millions of migrant workers safely with social distancing criterion would have taken at least a month or two. Was India on 24th march, ready for waiting for #Lockdown for so many days/months?

Fact is, becoming wise after the event is nothing uncommon and new  and same is happening now. Fact of the matter is #LockDown was urgently needed when it was announced on 24th march. We all thought, lockdown would end soon but it didn't happen. Also, protecting villages from corona infection was/is bigger concern for all the governments and hence all the responsible state governments want(ed) to avoid it to maximum extent. Also,governments would have earlier thought that industry might start working sooner and hence let migrant workers stay put at their working locations instead of being sent  to their native places.

In fact, all the above would have been the considerations, why the migrant workers were not moved initially and are being moved now. Most importantly, when #LockDown 1.0 was announced, our top focus was preparedness for coping up with situation we are in today. At that point of time, we had abysmal corona testing kits/testing facilities, PPEs, dedicated covid hospitals, quarantine centres etc.,  however today we are much better prepared, if not fully prepared to fight corona than what situation, we were in on 24th march. At this point of time, we realize, corona is going to stay much longer and hence we have to learn to live with it and that's what we are doing now. Despite lockdown, many areas have been opened, migrant workers are being given choice to go back their homes.

In a nutshell, all the governments, central as well as State, have been doing their best since day 1 of lockdown and they continue to do their best for the health as well as  economic needs of their people and hence we should exercise restraint and co-operate with our governments, instead of becoming hypercritical of them.