Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Let's stop becoming wiser after the event

Those currently showing so much of concern for migrant workers must answer, was #LockDown needed, when #LockDown 1.0 was announced on 24th march & could they anticipate lockdown continuing for so long? If some of them feel so wise now, they should answer, if they were placed in decision making process for #LockDown 1.0, what would they have done to mitigate anticipated hardship of migrant workers? In India, there are several crores of migrant workers working in different parts of the country, would these wiser people have waited for several months before resorting to #Lockdown on 24th march bcoz moving these millions of migrant workers safely with social distancing criterion would have taken at least a month or two. Was India on 24th march, ready for waiting for #Lockdown for so many days/months?

Fact is, becoming wise after the event is nothing uncommon and new  and same is happening now. Fact of the matter is #LockDown was urgently needed when it was announced on 24th march. We all thought, lockdown would end soon but it didn't happen. Also, protecting villages from corona infection was/is bigger concern for all the governments and hence all the responsible state governments want(ed) to avoid it to maximum extent. Also,governments would have earlier thought that industry might start working sooner and hence let migrant workers stay put at their working locations instead of being sent  to their native places.

In fact, all the above would have been the considerations, why the migrant workers were not moved initially and are being moved now. Most importantly, when #LockDown 1.0 was announced, our top focus was preparedness for coping up with situation we are in today. At that point of time, we had abysmal corona testing kits/testing facilities, PPEs, dedicated covid hospitals, quarantine centres etc.,  however today we are much better prepared, if not fully prepared to fight corona than what situation, we were in on 24th march. At this point of time, we realize, corona is going to stay much longer and hence we have to learn to live with it and that's what we are doing now. Despite lockdown, many areas have been opened, migrant workers are being given choice to go back their homes.

In a nutshell, all the governments, central as well as State, have been doing their best since day 1 of lockdown and they continue to do their best for the health as well as  economic needs of their people and hence we should exercise restraint and co-operate with our governments, instead of becoming hypercritical of them.

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