Looks like #AajTak has decided to play like a #Krantikari Channel once again. Earlier, its anchor Punya Prasun Bajpayi would conduct fixed interviews to enhance image of Arvind Kejriwal so is now it's anchor Rajdeep Sardesai is conducting another fixed interview with main Rhea Chakraborty, main accused in #SushantSinghRajput's death . The main objective of this interview is to help refurbish image of Rhea Chakraborty & a scion of a powerful political family.
It may be noted that while common masses are trying to expose the culprits, Rajdeep Sardesai, the senior most anchor of aaj tak/India Today is trying his level best to save them. Anybody, who may raise suspicion against Rhea Chakraborty and scion of ap political family, he gets angry and defensive as if he is being called as murderer of #SushantSinghRajput. While all those, who talk in support of justice for Sushant in media are immediately accused by Rajdeep for conducting media trial, however Rajdeep too is conducting media trial but not in favour of justice but against justice for #SushantSinghRajput.
Unfortunately, Rajdeep Sardesai on behalf of AajTak/India Today instead of fighting for justice is fighting against #JusticeForSushantSinghRajput
Rajdip sardesai is a shameless anchor and has been doing similar activities in the past also ...