Thursday, August 6, 2020

Kejriwal Ji, use money to create Jobs & not one more among many Job portals already available.


From morning to evening, our eyes and ears are tired of watching your advertisements about your so called new initiative of creating a Job portal, where job seekers can get themselves registered and search for jobs. I wonder do we have not enough number of Job portals like, timesjobs , monsterindia etc., where job seekers can search jobs? All these job portals have database of millions of job seekers. Almost all the job seekers' biodata are stored in the database of these job portals. These job portals are very user-friendly and almost all the job seekers are visiting these job portals on continuous basis.Also all these job portals have job  advertisements of almost all  the jobs, from peon to CEO,  available in the market.

When Job seekers & employers  have so wide choices available with them, prachar mantri CM Sahab, why are you wasting millions of tax payers' money over advertisement of  Delhi Govt's so called new initiative during this pandemic ? If you had really right intention, instead of wasting money over your lofty advertisements, you would have used Delhi Govt's existing employment exchange more efficiently?

Prachar mantri CM sahab, if you are keen on helping people with jobs, create jobs with millions of tax payers' money being wasted over advertisements instead of creating another job portal and wasting money over it's advert. people need jobs and not another job portal.