Monday, August 17, 2020

Is Prashant Bhushan above the law?


After his conviction in a contempt of court case, he along with his urban naxal  gang is trying to put pressure on court, not to pass any punishment order on 20th august. Rather they want matter to be heard by a larger bench in open court after pandemic and hence until then no punishment order be passed against Prashant Bhushan.

Why? Is Prashant Bhushan above the law so that he be treated differently from rest of the convicts. Just because he has huge support of urban naxal gang, he is entitled to be treated differently from the rest? Courts in India, on daily basis , pass conviction order in thousands of cases and same is followed by sentencing order against the convict. This is the standard Justice delivery system. Nobody can demand, no, sentencing order can't be passed against me until case is heard in a different manner, as per my/convict's choice. 

Nobody is above the law including Prashant Bhushan. He is a convict and he and his urban naxal gang have no right to demand different kind of Justice delivery system in case of Prashant Bhushan. Through, due process of law, Prashant Bhushan has been found guilty and he has no choice but to face the rule of law. If at post conviction stage, sentencing order is passed in all other cases, same has to be passed in case of Prashant Bhushan too. Prashant Bhushan is like any other citizen of the country and hence he should stop demanding a privileged/different  treatment in his case just because he has support of urban naxal gang, which is a very powerful group comprising of powerful people  from all walks of life and which has the ability to scare anybody in the country through their tweets, activism on  social media/mainstream media to tarnish image of anybody, who dare to shake their authority, which is what they have been doing ever since Prashant Bhushan was found guilty by supreme court. They have only one agenda, to help Prashant Bhushan get away with punishment for his offence. However, I am sure, enough is enough. This time no pressure from Prashant Bhushan and his urban naxal gang will work. Prashant Bhushan deserves to be in Tihar for his series of offence either related to his irresponsible remarks against judiciary or his open advocacy for separation of Kashmir from India and hopefully supreme court shall not allow itself to be pressurised by Prashant Bhushan and his urban naxal gang and they will pass sentencing order, as per  schedule on 20th August.


  1. Please make a petition. We will spread widely to make awareness and make culprits abide law.

  2. I wholeheartedly support and endorse the views expressed in this article.
